Harold Jarche, Michele Martin and I are pleased to announce a new workshop offering that relates to the recent posts on
Tool Set 2009 and to the issues of
Work Literacy.
Work Literacy Skills Workshop
Was the last formal training you had on knowledge work skills the use of a card catalog and microfiche reader? You aren't alone in that. While there has been incredible innovation in tools and methods that support personal work and learning over the past 10 years, most of us have had a hard time with our Work Skills Keeping Up. We are left trying to figure out where all these new tools fit in our day-to-day work life and our professional life.
This workshop is a hands-on, collaborative, fun experience focused on the new knowledge tools and methods that are core to effective work. It will focus on what is important to learning professionals.
The workshop puts you into small groups of fellow professionals as you work as a remote work team to experience first-hand the use of these tools in work and learning settings.
What You Get - Foundational methods for effective work and learning in a network
- Hands-on use of various tools to give direct experience of their effectiveness
- Job aids for after the workshop
- Introduction to an international network of learning professionals
Workshop Format
We have designed this workshop for either a one-day, in-person session with an online follow-up, or an online workshop with a flexible format. The online session is designed to support small groups of learning professionals going through at the same time. Participants are partnered in small teams as they work together learning new methods and tools. The specific length of time and scheduling is flexible given the availability of the teams involved.
The workshop is designed to work well for learning professionals and delivered through:
- Learning Departments
- ASTD Chapters
If you are an individual or small learning department interested in participating, then please contact us, and we will see if we can have you participate in a public workshop or via an ASTD Chapter.Topics Include- Collaborative Work and Learning
- Top-Down Work Tools and Methods Assessment
- Better Memory
- Information Radar
- Networks and Communities
- Search
- Collaborative, Informal, Self-Direct Learning
Harold Jarche has found a passion in the area of sharing, learning, reflecting, and collaborating using Web tools such as social network systems, blogs, and wikis. He constantly tries out new tools and techniques, and then uses his pragmatic business bent to recommend the right ones for clients and colleagues. Harold has been a freelance consultant for the past five years, and blogs about learning and working on the Web at jarche.com. Previously, Harold worked as a Chief Learning Officer of an e-Learning company, Project Manager at a university, and Training Development Officer with the Canadian Forces. |
Michele Martin is an independent consultant who specializes in using social media tools to support learning, and career and professional development. She has worked with federal, state, and local governments, nonprofits, and corporations to design and deliver a variety of learning interventions. She used online tools such as forums, listservs, and a “virtual office” to support learning in the late 1990s, and has added tools such as blogs, wikis and social networks. She's a co-founder with Tony Karrer of Work Literacy, a network of individuals, companies, and organizations focusing on the frameworks, skills, methods, and tools of modern knowledge work. Michele blogs at The Bamboo Project. |
Tony Karrer is CEO/CTO of TechEmpower, a founder of Work Literacy, and a well-known consultant, speaker, writer, and trainer on e-Learning and Performance Support. He has twenty years’ experience as a CTO and leader of software development, and eleven years experience as an associate professor of Computer Science. He works as an interim CTO for many start-ups, and was the founding CTO at eHarmony. His work has won awards, and has led him into engagements at many Fortune 500 companies including Citibank, Lexus, Microsoft, Nissan, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard, among others. His blog eLearning Technology won the best e-Learning Blog award the past two years.
For More Information
Dr. Tony Karrer