I was supposed to be in Vancouver right now for the eLearn Conference. The conference has a diverse attendee list and I was very much looking forward to my keynote presentation: Changes in Knowledge Work and Implications for Workplace Learning.
Unfortunately, some very sad news in my family as my wife's father, a man beloved by everyone who met him, passed away on Thursday. So, I won't be able to go and make my keynote presentation. I do want to thank the conference organizer, Gary Marks, for being incredibly understanding. And if you've been a long-time reader, you know that I'm not particularly adept at things like What to Say When a Colleagues' Family Member Dies. So, I'm not sure what to say or do in this situation either.
But I had to do something because I had scheduled a series of tweets to coincide with my keynote presentation time slot. This is something I did before and it was both great as a planning tool and received great feedback from the audience (see Twitter Conference Ideas). So what do I do with the tweets?
At first, I just planned to delete the tweets, but it seemed like a waste of the time I had spent. But I also realized that if I didn't do anything then right during the replacement keynote, I would be sending out competing tweets – which would compound the problem I created for the conference.
So, with my mind admittedly operating at less than full capacity this Sunday morning, I decided to just choose a particular time on Monday and have the tweets come out at that point. So, Monday, Oct. 26 at 12:30PM Pacific Time, all the tweets will fire off. Each points to content that's relevant to what I'd be talking about during the presentation. No idea if they will make sense without the context of the presentation.
I would very much welcome any thoughts or feedback on the content that is being referenced and the general themes. Feel free to do it via twitter or comments or whatever is easiest for you.
I'll try later in the week to pull together any feedback and some more thoughts.