Workplace Learning Today pointed me to a post Ten Common Phrases That Could Soon Be History. I use similar kinds of examples in my presentations (and posts such as Work Skills Keeping Up?). I thought it might be fun for me to catalog some of the ones that I’ve used in my presentations and other places as well as have this ready for future presentations.
So here is a list of technologies that:
- Boomers – used
- Gen X – know what it is (probably)
- Millenial – never used / likely don’t know what it is
If you are a Boomer or an older Gen X, this list is sure to make you feel a bit old.
Pay Phones – Collect Calls
- Where’s the nearest pay phone?
- Call me collect?
Typewriter / Ribbon / Correcting Ribbon
"You need to mute your sound"
Records / Phonographs
- Sounds like a broken record
- Skipping
- Needle
Cassette Drive
Floppy Disk / Floppy Drive
- Dual floppy drive
- Word Star
- Word Perfect
Punch Card
Card Catalog
Microfiche Reader
Rabbit Ears
Overhead Projector
Inbox / Outbox
What we did before email …
“Pen Pals”
“Carbon Copy” or even “BCC”
What did I miss?