Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Help Create Resources for Keynote?

I'm doing a keynote presentation at ASTD TechKnowledge in January on New Work Literacies and eLearning 2.0 and another session on Learning 2.0.

I would really like to be able to point attendees, blog readers, and realistically a lot of other folks to a set of resources that would help them on these topics. But, I really don't have time to create what I want to create.

Are you willing to pitch in to help me create some interesting resources?

I'm not sure how we will create these (Google Docs, Wiki, Mindmap, etc.). I'm fairly flexible, but at the end of the day they need to be web pages that attendees of TechKnowledge and other folks can access. I definitely will post them to my blog. And chances are they will get quite a fair amount of page views.

I will certainly give credit to anyone who contributes in a meaningful way both in my blog and during the keynote (assuming this happens).

Here are the two resources that I'd like to see us work on ...

Work Literacy 2008

A set of resources for concept workers who are not early adopters to help them be aware of relatively newer methods and tools that they should consider adopting to help them in their day-to-day work. These would be organized around the following categories:
  • Search
  • Keep/Organize/Refind/Remind
  • Leverage Expertise (Network)
  • Collaborate
  • Scan (Continuous Awareness/Learning)
Learning 2.0 for Workplace Learning Professionals

A set of resources that would help workplace learning professionals get up to speed on:
  • Introduction to Web 2.0 tools and their implications for Personal and Formal Learning
  • What Learning 2.0 means to them both personally and professionally.
  • Opportunities to apply Learning 2.0 in their workplace
I think that the resources collected as part of the recent Web 2.0 for Learning Professionals are a great starting point. For example, look at the following:
Because these are tied into forums, it makes them a bit harder for most people to go through. I'm also not sure that I buy that this quite tells a Workplace Learning Professional what they should do in terms of their personal use and in terms of how these might be used in their organizations. It was more intended as a introduction to the tools and likely does a good job of that.

Please drop me a comment or email me: akarrer @ techempower.com if you are willing to work a bit on this.